Diploma Programs
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2017-06-20 点击:[]

Objectives: This program aims to cultivate highly-qualified professional talents in the field of accounting, having an all-round development in morality, intelligence, physique and art. Graduates of the program are familiar with basic theories and knowledge of accounting, are capable of financial management, and are proficient in accounting practice in any institution.

Academic years and Certificate: Three years, Diploma

Major courses: Basics of Accounting, Accounting Computerization, Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Financial Management, Taxation Accounting, Shipping Accounting, Government and NGO Institutions Accounting, Auditing Basics and Practice, The Use of Data in Accounting, Securities Investment, Laws and Profession Ethics of Finance, etc.

Career prospects: Graduates of the program are qualified to work as accountants, financial executive managers in various kinds of institutions, such as, companies, schools, hospitals, and the government authorities.

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