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Numerical Control Technology

2017-06-20 点击:[]

Objectives:  we aim to train practical senior technicians who are cultivated in all disciplines, facing the frontier in design, production and service of modern manufacturing, grasping the technical expertise and skills of CNC technology, with innovative design and CNC programming skills, and skills of function and maintaining technical equipment.

Academic years and Degree: Four years, Bachelor degree

Major courses:  When the professional teaching plan is formulated, we pay attention to the combination of theory and practice, emphasize "sufficient" and "practical", and set up BASIC major coursework such as "Mechanical Drawing and CAD", "Fundamentals of Mechanical Design" and professional skill courses such as "NC Programming and Processing Technology" , "Pro_e Software", "UG Software", "Mold Design", "CNC System and CNC Machine Maintenance", "CNC Training". During the process, students can obtain the junior and senior certificates in CAD drawing, and other national vocational qualification certificates such as CNC Milling, Senior Technician.

Career prospects: Midea Domestic Refrigeration equipment Limited, Guangzhou Diesel Engine Factory, Guangzhou Huangpu Shipyard, China High Air Conditioning Co., Ltd., Guangdong, the United States Group, Guangzhou Procter & Gamble Co., Ltd., Panasonic Wanbao Electric Co., Ltd. and other large enterprises.

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